The safety of staff and customers is the number one priority in every branch of the foodservice industry, regardless of its size. When it comes to ensuring that personnel can come and leave safely while clients are enjoying their time in your establishment, restaurant security systems and safety practices are crucial. While the sale of alcoholic beverages and the keeping of late hours can result in increased revenues, they can also put businesses at risk. Because the fast serve category is particularly vulnerable to violent crime, it is even more critical that franchises and chains implement safety protocols in their locations. Locally held businesses also stand to gain from the use of security measures.

However, with so many various alternatives available to you, it’s easy to become disoriented in a sea of information. For the sake of keeping things simple, these restaurant security guidelines are an excellent place to begin your hunt for a fool-proof system.

Prepare a strategy for deterrence and response.

It goes without saying that the most effective method of maintaining a safe establishment is to prevent crimes from occurring in the first place. However, even the most stringent preventative measures cannot always prevent unpredictable behavior and criminal activity, which is why it is critical to have a reaction strategy in place.

In certain cases, deterrence is referred to as the “threat of repercussions,” and it refers to the fact that it is difficult or inconvenient for someone to get away with committing a crime. It causes potential criminals to pause before acting, and it is usually sufficient to keep the vast majority of your customers and staff on the straight and narrow.
Response – In the event that your company, its employees, or its customers are the victims of a crime, collaborating with law enforcement is the most efficient and effective approach to ensure that justice is done. A reaction can include anything from having a security guards remove an irate customer to evaluating surveillance camera footage in the case of a less-urgent safety threat.
By putting deterrence and reaction into practice, your company will be well prepared to deal with nearly any criminal event, whether it is keeping people safe or ensuring that those responsible are brought to justice. And putting these concepts into action is surprisingly simple – all you have to do is conduct thorough study about security systems and security personnel.

Organize the installation of restaurant security systems

Place your trust in current technology to your advantage by investing in restaurant security systems that will react to crimes or other situations in the most effective and efficient manner possible, deter them, and even record them.

Alarm Systems  Using an old-fashioned alarm bell to scare away burglars is still an effective deterrent. A lot of security systems these days can also be connected to a phone line, which can warn both you and the authorities in a matter of seconds, rather than waiting on neighbors to dial 911 for you. Accidents can happen to everyone, regardless of whether or not crime is a major concern for you. For example, if someone forgets to turn off the deep fryer at night, you’ll want a smoke detector that can alert the fire department immediately so that the damage is limited as much as possible.

Audio and Video Surveillance  – Placing restaurant surveillance systems with microphones in discrete positions throughout the premises makes it simple to keep an eye (and, more importantly, an ear) out for problematic clients while also keeping an accurate record of the evening’s happenings. However, restaurant security cameras are most typically employed as a deterrent rather than a preventative measure in worst-case circumstances such as fist fights and other forms of violence. The simple act of informing someone that they are being recorded — or even placing a dummy

camera in a visible area — is a powerful tool for getting them to rethink their behavior.

Correct Lighting – In addition to surveillance, it is critical to maintain the inside and parking lot of your business illuminated at all hours of the day. Vandalism and other criminal activity are much less likely to occur in well-lit areas than in dimly illuminated areas. In exchange for the peace of mind you provide to your customers and staff, not to mention the value that safety adds to your company’s brand, the cost of electricity is well worth it. As an added security measure, it is recommended that you attach your interior lights to motion-sensitive switches, which will turn on when someone enters the room. This deters wrongdoers from carrying out whatever plans they may have had in mind, and it can even save your employees’ lives by preventing them from stumbling over anything that would otherwise be invisible in low light.
In the event that your restaurant is a victim of crime, the film captured by your security system becomes invaluable. Furthermore, motion-sensor lights can serve to deter crime from occurring in the first place.


Personnel in charge of restaurant security

It is good to have security guards on site for the great majority of foodservice enterprises. Security Guard, are excellent complements to restaurant security systems for specific businesses, such as those that offer alcoholic beverages and are open till late.

Prevent Violence – A well-trained security guards (who should be able to provide certificates while being interviewed) can keep your staff, customers, and business safe by defusing a violent scenario as fast and efficiently as possible. It is impossible to overestimate the level of protection provided by unharmed security guards

Monitor Surveillance – Your security guards can also collaborate with your restaurant’s security cameras to provide additional protection. When they’re not keeping an eye on the front door or the crowds on the floor, security guards can look over any CCTV feeds or simply perform a courtesy check on the premises of your company’s location. You can group your security guards into pairs or groups to ensure their utmost safety, which will significantly lower the likelihood that they will be injured while on the job.

Individuals that need to be escorted – security guards can also function as escorts for your other staff at the end of the night, walking the last few servers, cooks, and bartenders to their cars to ensure that they arrive home safely. Even after clients have called a cab or gotten a ride home, a good security guards can go the extra mile for them by staying with them until their ride arrives. Offering that level of protection to your customers can also assist to strengthen your company’s reputation in your local community as a safe and dependable location to do business.
If your company does not employ security guards, you can at the very least require your staff to open and close the store in pairs. Due to the fact that victims of muggings, assaults, and other crimes are frequently caught alone, even one more person can be quite beneficial. Scheduling personnel in pairs is usually a smart idea, whether it’s early in the morning or late at night, depending on the situation.

All of our security guards have had extensive training, are licensed, and have extensive experience in dealing with a wide range of high-risk scenarios. To learn more about our products and services, please contact us immediately.